With two studios in two different states and a sales average of $2k, Sarah Modene has years of experience using her In-Person Sales method when it comes to building a product-based portrait business. This class will teach you how to price your work, design and sell products, and run in-person ordering sessions for your clients. Take control of your business and become confident in your ability to sell your work with Sarah’s methods and tools!
- PDF Guide covering pricing basics: packages, a la carte, products and how to price them
- Vendor Guide for specific products that Sarah offers
- Video Tutorials: Sarah teaches you how to “sell” your work without selling, how to create packages that sell themselves for you, how to run an ordering session from start to finish
- Investment Guide & client email templates
- Design Templates for some of Sarah’s most popular products
There is a mileage restriction of a 80-mile radius outside of zip codes 43551 and 33707.